Thank You...
In these days of natural disasters and disconcert amongst people when one has to write a note of thanks or appreciation for anything it doesn't come easy. The past year has not been the smoothest... or the easiest as well. Good things have been few and far between. Still... I am thankful for the little things that has brought a smile to my lips. I am thankful for all the love and blessings of all those people who stood by me when I thought I couldn't take it anymore. I am thankful for the friends I have who silently walked with me and helped me through all crisis. I am thankful for the beautiful daughter that I have who has given me more reason to be proud of her than not. I am thankful for that friend who messages me diligently every 4 to 5 days and asks "Jinda?" Even if I am too busy to respond. I am thankful for the rabbits who always make me smile... When I wake up every morning and open my curtains and watch the morning sun swoop in to say hello... I am t...